When A Baby Dies

Warning, this video may cause some tears. Another BLM shared this video on my Facebook page and I wanted to pass it along. Its a sad video, but it's nothing new to us. This lady tells it from the heart just like all of us BLMs would. I can honestly say, this is how I feel word from word, especially the past couple of weeks. Everytime there is a holiday or in my case Laken's Birthday, everythings seems to resurface and start all over again. Instead of being in tears, I have been in a "mad at the world" mood. I just want to thank all of my BLM friends, it would be a pretty lonesome world if I didn't have people in it that understood how I was feeling. Sending lots of love to all of you!

Also wanted to share that Meredith's mom Sarita is making scrapbook tags for angels. If you're interested in having her make one of your angel you can visit her here .

Thank you Sarita!


  1. Wow....tears..
    I am glad there are people who really understand how we feel..but I wish there weren't so many. :(
    Hugs to you!

  2. Oh wow....thanks for sharing this video. It is definitely true...

    Hope you're doing okay. *hugs*

  3. Thank you for sharing this video... so heart-wrenching and so true xoxo

  4. Wow, serious tears. Thanks for sharing Melissa.

  5. Thanx for sharing this !! So true

  6. This video definitely resonated so much with me, too. Thank you for sharing. <3
